Okay, I have way too much to tell you about this week.
On friday we got permission from president to baptize Melanie, she's 13 and is the sweetest. Another little sister haha. She's a little rockstar too, sings just like Shakira.
The start of the week was ROUGH, one of just the hardest days I've ever had in the mission, difficult emotionally and mentally and physically and spiritually, but got through it. It was so classic, like hailing and raining out and I legit slipped and fell on my face. muddy, soaking wet, the whole deal but I learned a GREAT lesson.
The miracles come AFTER the trial of our faith. When we keep going during those awful days, the blessings come.
I lost the cell phone.. again, so we were struggling all week trying to organize everything, but got through. but since we didn't have a cell phone, we didn't know what the changes were until Sunday, after our servicios. I was COMPLETELY sure that I was going to stay in my area. I don't know why, just felt confident that I was staying. And we are teaching all of Melanie's family so I was devastated when Sunday I found out that I had to leave. The girls put on a little show for us and sang a bunch of songs for us.
The cards that Melanie and Helen made me. They're the cutest. ever |
But the baptism, it was incredible! Jorge (Melanie's grandpa) got to baptize her, had to do it three times because he was so nervous and couldn't get the words right, but it was incredible. and just words can't describe the spirit that we all felt during that baptism service. I'm indescribaly grateful for the chance I had to teach the familia Ponce Castro.
Hermana Jorge y Lupita. trying to get him to smile haha doesn't happen |
The rest of sunday was a wreck, had to say goodbye to Tio Victor and the familia Garcia Zermeno, lots of laughs and lots of tears. I love them all so much.
They bought me Pepsi because I like it better than Coke,
we had a little fiesta, I can't describe how much I'll miss them
And now I'm in Ixtapan De La Sal. It's a pueblo, like 3 hours from the DF and I'm finishing training. Mi companera is named Hermana Bustamante, she seems really sweet. she's 22 and excited to learn everything. I still feel like I'm really new at all of this, so we will see how it goes. But I'm just really grateful for everything I learned from the last cambio, and for the incredible people I met. They really are like familia to me-
Love you all the much, that's the short version of everything!
Hermana Schneider
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